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Revision Rhinoplasty

in Baltimore, MD

Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis perform revision rhinoplasty for patients in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Annapolis and the surrounding areas of Maryland. Prior nasal surgeries can result in continued external deformities or impaired nasal function. It is normal to feel anxiety about undergoing another surgery. However, Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis understand your apprehensions and work with you to determine your exact complaints and concerns. Many patients of local, national and international citizenship have come to Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis for their revision rhinoplasty surgeries.

What is a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Impaired nasal function or cosmetic issues from prior rhinoplasties are an area of particular expertise for Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis. To correct problems that can arise from prior nose jobs, revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis is performed after an initial rhinoplasty to correct a persistent problem or new problem in your noseโ€™s appearance or function. Rhinoplasty is not a perfect science –  and while it is based on solid structural and artistic principles, due to the noseโ€™s important functional and aesthetic requirements, sometimes problems need to be corrected or further improvements need to be made. Typical revision rates for rhinoplasty tend to run around 5 to 10%. Once you have had rhinoplasty, changes in one part of the nose can affect another part of the nose and getting the best possible balance of form and function may not always be achievable in a single operation, which is where revision rhinoplasty is vital.

Benefits of a Revision Rhinoplasty

Sometimes revision rhinoplasty can help to address problems that have persisted after previous rhinoplasty surgery. How all the elements of the nose affected by rhinoplasty surgery will heal is as much of an art as it is a science. Sometimes changes made in cartilage and bones, no matter how carefully planned, are dependent upon how these elements heal after surgery. Furthermore, your nose will continue to change as you age and sometimes the effects of a rhinoplasty procedure done several years earlier need to be updated or improved upon. The goal of a natural looking rhinoplasty, one that does not have an โ€œoperatedโ€ look, involves estimating how your nose will evolve with age and not doing anything that may lead to an unwanted deformity.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Revision Rhinoplasty?

You may be a good candidate for revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis if you have already undergone rhinoplasty, but are unhappy with either cosmetic or functional aspects of your nose. One of the most common reasons for revision surgery is the removal of too much cartilage at the time of the original surgery. This can lead to uneven elevations of the nasal tip, pinching of the tip (called a bossa), the collapse of the nasal valve areas in your tip that control airflow and asymmetries of the nasal tip and profile. Other common problems are a persistent nasal hump, bony asymmetry or a poly-beak deformity (an unsightly convexity of the profile just above the tip of the nose). In some operated noses, there may not be enough septal cartilage left for the revision. In such cases, ear cartilage or even rib cartilage may be necessary. Whatโ€™s of most importance is that if you are thinking about revision rhinoplasty, that you schedule your consultation now at the Aesthetic Center at Woodholme.

How is a Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?

A revision rhinoplasty may begin with an incision at the columella, as well as small internal incisions to allow repair of the nasal skeleton. This approach is used when there is significant scar tissue from previous surgeries. Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis then restore the lost structures using cartilage grafts. The cartilage can come from the nasal septum or the bowl of the external ear, and in extreme cases, rib cartilage may be harvested. Rib cartilage is used only if there is a significant loss of cartilage or bone and the surgeons use a harvesting technique that leaves minimal to no visible deformity. This procedure usually lasts between two to three hours and patients experience little discomfort. Recovery time is usually about one week and the columellar incision heals remarkably well with virtually no lasting scar. You will discuss the surgical approach and the need for cartilage grafting at your consultation with Dr. Papel or Dr. Kontis.

Recovery After a Revision Rhinoplasty

After a revision rhinoplasty, expect some swelling, bruising, and general discomfort for the first several weeks. Recovery typically takes 1-2 weeks, and patients should take this time off work to properly recover at home. The nose will be left in a splint for the first week to support the new shape of the nose. Once the swelling has diminished over the next several months, patients can expect to begin seeing the results of their procedure for an improved nose in both function and appearance. The procedure can provide life-changing relief by enhancing breathing abilities.

Your Consultation in Baltimore, MD

Patients of Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis tell us that they love the new confidence they have in the appearance of their new nose. Take a minute to look at the results Baltimore and Washington, D.C. patients have seen with their revision rhinoplasties by Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis. This will help you visualize the results you would like to see from your own procedure.

Dr. Papel and Dr. Kontis have performed many successful revision rhinoplasty surgeries on patients from Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Annapolis and the surrounding areas of Maryland and would enjoy discussing procedural options with you! Contact us at our Baltimore office, the Aesthetic Center at Woodholme, to schedule a consultation for your revision rhinoplasty and to discuss all of your options.


