Hair Restoration

in Baltimore, MD

View our list of hair restoration procedures, including hair transplant, PRP hair restoration, and painless Motus hair removal. Contact our office today.

Hair growth can be a problem for many individuals. Whether you are experiencing thinning hair, or are looking to remove existing hair from unwanted areas, we have treatment options for you.

Hair Transplants

Bald or thinning areas can cause excessive hat wearing, insecurity, and diminished self esteem. Hair transplant surgery can address hair loose through hair transplantation. During this surgical hair restoration procedure, hair grafts are taken from the back of the head to create and overall fuller head of hair in targeted areas of hair loss. Hair replacement surgery is one of many options for promoted hair growth.

PRP hair restoration

PRP hair restoration treatment can restore your natural hair growth by stimulating the scalp and promoting the healing and growth of healthy hair follicles. This can correct the look of a thinning hairline with new growth that blends seamlessly with the surrounding hair.

Motus Hair Removal

Motus hair removal is a permanent hair removal treatment for individuals wanting to decrease hair growth in certain targeted areas.

Our Treatment Options

Thinning or excessive hair growth can be caused by the natural aging process or by your family history. No matter the cause of your hair insecurity, we have many treatment options for your unique concerns.

View our list of hair restoration procedures, including hair transplant, PRP hair restoration, and painless Motus hair removal. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation to find the right treatment for you.



