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in Baltimore, MD

Dr. Papel, Dr. Kontis, and Dr. Brown provide Kybella™ injections for patients in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Annapolis and the surrounding areas of Maryland.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a refined version of a substance called deoxycholic acid, which is naturally produced by your body to aid in the breakdown of fat cells. When Kybella® is placed under the skin, it destroys the fat cells in that area. This makes Kybella® an innovative and ideal new way for patients to gain some of the benefits of liposuction for a double chin without surgery. So far, Kybella®’s main purpose is to improve the appearance of a double chin, improving the patient’s jaw and neckline.

Benefits of Kybella®

The appearance of a double chin can be bothersome to many, causing them to look older or heavier than they actually are.

When choosing Kybella® for your treatment, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  •         Nonsurgical injection process
  •         Avoid the need for liposuction under the chin
  •         Effective chin recontouring
  •         Long-lasting results

Who is a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

Candidates for Kybella® are those who are self-conscious about stubborn fat under the chin. This can be a difficult place to tone with just diet and exercise. While many choose liposuction to recontour this area, many do not like the idea of surgery with downtime. Instead, you can choose Kybella®, a non-surgical injectable to destroy stubborn fat cells under the chin.

How is Kybella® Treatment Performed?

The number of injections required depends on the needs and goals of each patient. Dr. Papel, Dr. Kontis, and Dr. Brown estimate that 12 to 20 small injections per visit will be sufficient for the majority of patients with two to three visits needed for optimal results. These appointments will be one month apart on average.

Patients with advanced cases of a double chin may require upwards of 50 injections per visit with subsequent appointments every few weeks. One treatment with Kybella® takes roughly 15-30 minutes and results are expected after a few procedures. Therefore, the final results may take several months to appear.

Results of Kybella®

There is no required downtime after Kybella®, however, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and redness in the treatment area. Kybella® will take some time to destroy the fat cells. Within a few weeks, you can begin to experience the results with a slimmer chin and jawline and improved double chin. Once fat cells are destroyed, they cannot return. To ensure long-lasting results, it is important to maintain a healthy weight.

Your Kybella® Consultation in Baltimore, MD

Dr. Papel, Dr. Kontis, and Dr. Brown have performed many successful injectable treatments on patients from Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Annapolis and the surrounding areas of Maryland and would love a chance to discuss procedural options with you! Contact us at our Baltimore office to schedule a consultation for your Kybella® treatment and discuss all of your options.



